Too Cool for Internet Explorer
:: DicomReader ::
The Project

Brought to you by Salvatore La Bua

DicomReader -> The Project

Introduction to the Project

DicomReader is a Java simple Dicom files decipher.
It handles headers and images within as well; data (headers and pixel-value images) will be saved into ascii clear text files. A pgm version of the image files can be also provided.

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Some informations about DicomReader

DicomReader is a simple Dicom files decipher.

It handles headers and images within as well; data (headers and pixel-value images) will be saved into ascii clear text files. A pgm version of the image files is also provided as an option for the user.

The graphical user interface, based on Swing components, allow the user to choose the file names where headers and images will be saved to. When a pgm image is wanted, its name is automagically generated from the ascii text image's file name.
DicomReader needs a Dicom dictionary to work, from where it can read Dicom tags and take the correct action for each of them.

If multislices dicom files are provided, results will be saved with the same file basename selected in the user interface and a sequence number will be appended at its end keeping the original file name extention (if provided by the user).

